
Protruding Objects – on a lighter note
I received an email today from someone at an Administrative Authority enquiring as to my opinion on protruding objects. Apparently they are reviewing a new construction project where the wall sconces are installed at less than 80″ above the finished floor, which is fine, but they project into the hallway more than 4″ which is not fine.

Lifts vs Elevators – Pros and Cons
The question has come up several times of why and where one would use a wheelchair lift versus an elevator and what would be the advantage of one over the other, presuming there is a choice.

On-Demand Accessibility Continuing Education Series Now Available
We are pleased to announce the official launch of our new on-demand webinar service that addresses access and aging.

Pop-Up Restaurants and What You Need to Know About Access
Janis Kent, Architect, FAIA, CASp © September, 2020 With the continuation of our on-going plague, many restaurants are taking their seating area out to the public sidewalks, parking areas, and even onto the streets. While the concept of pop-up restaurants has been around for a while, it has evolved as a temporary outdoor add-on to existing […]

Doors and Gates – What they need for ongoing maintenance
The question has come up as to whether manual doors need to be maintained to be accessible. And the answer is – yes, absolutely.

The Kitchen Sink – or everything you ever wanted to know about faucets
What do you need to provide for an accessible sink? One of the more difficult issues about making a kitchen sink accessible is reaching the faucet controls.

Beyond Access: MCD Magazine on Healthcare Facilities and ADA Compliance
In the March/April edition of Medial Construction Design magazine, Janis Kent is quoted in an article titled Code Matters, the article covers navigating the road to resolve healthcare door accessibility and life safety threats.

Blocking for Grab Bars – What is There to Know?
Recently something has come to my attention, namely what are the requirements for blocking for grab bars? When I review drawings I typically see the bar location specified and then a graphic rectangle to show diagrammatically the extent of the backing. But I have rarely seen the size of the actual blocking or its specific location and attachment.

Toilet Rooms in California Restaurants & Other Food Facilities
Any restaurant that has on-site food consumption, regardless of size, is required to have toilet rooms for the public and consumers. This article is based on the revised code effective January 1, 2019 and incorporates some of the earlier requirements.

Parking for Multi-Family Housing with Public Funding or Public Programs
Parking for multi-family housing can be one of the more perplexing items for scoping. The easy part is, if you have one space per unit, then you need one accessible parking space per mobility feature dwelling unit which should be located as close as feasible to each of the mobility units. But how to determine the requirements in other situations is not laid out as clearly.