‘Uncategorized’ Category

Bathing Showers vs Rinsing Showers
Rinsing showers differ from bathing showers under ADA Standards. DOJ clarifies they don’t need to meet bathing shower requirements, offering alternative compliance.

Toilet Room Clear Floor Spaces – How do they get synthesized?
Janis Kent, FAIA Architect, CASp © September, 2024 One of the items about Access that is challenging is putting together different portions of the codes and regulations. We probably know the requirements for separate elements but what gets triggered when you start putting them together in different layouts? Recently I came across an item in […]
Stepping Thru Circulation Paths, Accessible Routes, & Path of Travel
Moving thru a facility has different requirements depending on new vs existing or public vs common space – we will review the differences between and requirements for Circulation Paths, Accessible Routes, and Path of Travel from the public way, thru the site, to the entry, thru the building, and to the exits

Countertop Requirements for Accessible Kitchens Under ADA
Counters come in many varieties from transaction to service to work surfaces just to name a few. We will look closer at kitchen countertops located in dwelling units, employee lounges, and common-use spaces.